Tag Archives: trees

Evening Sky (2014)

25 Aug


Painted in Feb. 2014.  An artist friend of mine has been asking me what made me lean toward abstraction rather than realism in my work.  I told her that it is because there is not much passion in realism for me but that abstraction engages my senses, passion, and creativity like no other form of painting.  Here is a rare attempt at a realistic painting.  Never posted it mostly because I thought it was pretty bad.

Fall Day

14 Oct


Crickets hum a quiet and consistent song, an unnoticed backdrop blanketing the world with their familiar sound.

Leaves rattle and turn as the wind blows strong then settles as if under the control of a conductor’s baton.

Squirrel standing on a rock like the leader of a secret forest kingdom undiscovered by those whose eyes overlook that which is easily missed in favor of that which is easily observed.

Sky of gray overshadowing the colors of the season, muted by its overwhelming potency.

Bird chirps, alone at first then welcoming a chorus of sky voices not in unison but whose harmonious message bespeaks the glory of this day.

Another View

21 Oct



A lovely spot.

Woods at Dusk

13 Oct





5 Oct



Saw this in a photo and painted it.  I was so caught up in the unique beauty of this city that I forgot to research where it exists.


7 Sep




Red Sky at Night

26 Aug



A recent work.  My girlfriend asked me what prompted me to do this painting and if I had been to the place it depicts.  I said the image was just in my head and that it wasn’t a place I had been.  She spent a number of years out West specifically in California and she said it reminds her of things she saw while living there.  The sky in this painting draws me in as do the mountains in the background.  I guess I paint places I’d like to be, in conditions I would greatly enjoy.